Satis Writes

I am admittedly a bit of a technology geek. Not that I’m into coding and all that mess – I just like my toys. Life would be impossible without my iPhone, and very, very difficult without my iPad.

The truth is, though, that whilst I do read, check news, and sometimes even work on these devices, I actually end up mostly just playing games on them. Kind of sad, right?

One of the games that has sucked my time more than others is a thing called Infinity Blade. It’s honestly a pretty basic, boring game: you are a knight, you fight your way through hordes of demons to reach the God King, and try to defeat him. If you don’t, you go back to the beginning. If you do…you go back to the beginning. The main draw of Infinity Blade is that, for a mobile device like an iPhone, the…

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Lady Fi

A few weeks ago, the sun was shining

And the diamonds danced on the snow.

A perfect day for a walk with my furry buddy, Oscar.

Start the walk

This boat has been adrift

On the snowy landscape all winter.

Snow boat

Our neighbours placed their impressive gingerbread church

Outside for us – and the birds – to enjoy.

Gingerbread house

Walking down twisty lanes

I spied a vibrant splash of colour in someone’s garden:

An old red pump.

Red gas pump copy

On the way home, we crossed the railway lines

In time to see the train disappearing

In a magical golden mist.

I felt as if I were living out a dream

In this enchanted winter wonderland.

Golden otherworld

For more magical moments, please visit: Our World Tuesday.

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